Vacation Bible School 2023

Keeper of the Kingdom
June 5th—8th
9:00 am to Noon

We are engaged in an epic battle for the hearts and minds of our youth. Every day, they’re bombarded with lies about who they are, who their Creator is, and where their salvation comes from. Thankfully, God has given his children armor to wear in this battle between truth and lies, light and darkness, and good and evil.

With Keepers of the Kingdom, your kids will learn how they can be part of God’s kingdom through salvation in his Son and will be equipped with the armor of God to become Keepers of the Kingdom and strong in today’s battle for truth.


Registration is open to kids age 4 and those attending Kindergarten through 5th grade this fall.


The kids will be challenged to raise fund to provide Bibles and a Motorcycle for the Masindi Medial Mission.

Just for FUN!

We have an assortment of coloring pages to share with the kids. Feel free to download and print.

Unfortunately, we are NOT able to provide Bus Transportation.

However, if you live in Catlin and need help with transportation, we are happy to serve you with our church shuttle and van. Please contact the church office to make transportation arrangements. 217-427-2166

3 Ways to Get Involved

1. Serve

There are many ways to serve related to VBS. We need crew leaders who will help during that week, volunteers to help create decorations and decorate spaces beforehand on workdays, kitchen volunteers, station helpers, check-in helpers … and more! Click below to see if there is a way you can help before, during*, or after VBS.

2. Donate

While the kids will be challenged to bring in funds to support a selected mission it is always nice to have some funds already built up to encourage the kids to reach their goals. Prayerfully consider donating to VBS 2023-Mission

3. Pray

You can be involved by Praying. Please click on the button below to learn how to get the 30 days of “Pray for VBS23”.